“Woodard & Curran Foundation engages the passion of the Woodard & Curran community to support nonprofit organizations that protect our water and environment.”
Total grant money committed since our founding: $1.6M+
2024 Impact Grant ($100,000)
Turtle Island Restoration Network (Olema, CA)
Lagunitas Watershed Resiliency Project
Lagunitas Creek is the largest single run of the Central California Coastal Coho salmon, whose population has dwindled to 10% of historic numbers, putting it at risk of extinction. The Lagunitas Watershed Resiliency Project (LAWRP) will improve critical spawning, winter and summer rearing, and out-migration smolt habitat by installing approximately 150 large woody debris structures across one mile of Devil’s Gulch Creek. These structures will consist of existing logs, downed trees, and other woody debris and will be built by pulling, dragging, winching, and toppling trees and logs into the channel. Additional wood debris and wooden posts will be driven into the channel to create dynamic jams capable of adapting to changes in sediment supply, stream velocity, and riparian vegetation. This low-tech process-based restoration concept will use only power equipment and hand tools and has been proven to be a cost-effective approach to improving instream and floodplain habitat. The work will be completed by volunteers.
2024 $40,000 Grant Tó Nizhóní Ání (Black Mesa, AZ)
Black Mesa Watershed Restoration
The Foundation’s award of $40,000 will help TNA implement the very first phase of their initiative – planning and training in the Tsiyi’tó area of the Oraibi watershed. Restoration work in Tsiyi’tó Wash is a pilot project and the workforce trained will be mobilized to continue restoration in additional tributaries, which is the overall goal. Geomorphic conditions will be assessed during a 4-day site assessment with Natural Channel Design Engineering (NCDE) staff and local land users, to guide concept restoration plans.
Listen to TNA intern Raeanna Johnson talk about the impact the organization is having in the Black Mesa region.
CONGRATULATIONS 2025 Giving While Living Grant Recipients
$10K grants awarded to 10 environmental nonprofits (total of $100K!)
We are proud to fund the organizations below with $10,000 grants (each) in honor of our largest group of donors - the employees of Woodard & Curran, Inc., who nominated and selected the ten organizations below that are receiving Giving While Living Grants. Thank you to all the donors whose generosity makes it possible for us to fulfill our mission to support organizations that protect our water and environment.