techbridge girls [ca]
2019 + 2020 giving while living regional + MICRO grantS: $2,300 + $1,600
Woodard & Curran Foundation’s grants support Techbridge Girls’ after school Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) enrichment programs in Oakland’s schools system. TBG’s program model serves girls in elementary, middle and high schools, helping them gain an understanding of STEM concepts, explore STEM career options, and be prepared for pursuing high school-level STEM courses. The Foundation grants also assist TBG to empower local volunteer role models, educators and family members in schools and after-school sites - and remotely - in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Thank you to Carrie Del Boccio and Mike Matson, from Woodard & Curran, Inc.’s Walnut Creek office, who nominated Techbridge Girls for a total of three ($2,300, $1,600 and $500) Giving While Living Grants.
TBG Adapts During COVID-19
The Techbridge Girls program is an opt-in program, which means girls sign up to participate in an after-school program and therefore choose the experience. When the program initially began, the girls were meeting in person. Halfway through, however, schools had to continue online, via Zoom. The TBG teachers mailed out the program material to individual students and facilitate the lessons over Zoom. The distance didn’t stop our girls’ enthusiasm. Over half of the girls continued the program, sharing their thoughts with their teachers and teacher’s enjoyed the opportunity to continue the bond they established with the girls. Before designing the TBG@Home program, staff reached out to girls and educators to determine their needs. What surfaced was the critical need for community, even if it was digital, and through their remote learning series, they created videos that showcased both STEM and non-STEM activities, inviting role models and educators as presenters and discussing social-emotional supports for both girls and families. As TBG plans for the new school year, these needs continue to be top of mind and ways to create hands-on and individually packaged materials for the girls to seamlessly move from in-class to at-home is becoming more of a reality for the future.
““What I like about TBG are the projects we create. My favorite thing to do was building a rocket because it
was a challenge to make it fly. The program is inspiring because it makes me think big and learn more about the world to make the future better as a girl that loves their community.” ~ Joanna Romero, age 9”
A LEGACY OF Preparing Girls for STEM Careers
With 20+ years of gender-inclusive STEM programming, Techbridge Girls has trained over 7,000 girls, 20,000 educators, 1,400 family members, 1,500 role models and 1,000 volunteers. Techbridge Girls has reached an additional 70,000 students through its proprietary, National Science Foundation-certified STEM lessons. As they continue to grow, their goal is to build a strong network of support for participants and alumnae.