Use the button below to make a secure one-time or recurring tax-deductible gift.
by mail
Send a check payable to Woodard & Curran Foundation to:
Woodard & Curran Foundation
attn: Barry Sheff, President of the Board
12 Mountfort Street
Portland, ME 04101
matching gifts
Double your gift! If you work for a company with a matching gift program, you may be able to double your gift to the Foundation (spouse and retiree gifts may also be matched). Contact your Human Resources or Corporate Giving department to learn about your company's matching gift policy. Please send your gift and matching gift form to:
Woodard & Curran Foundation
attn: Barry Sheff, President of the Board
12 Mountfort Street
Portland, ME 04101
gifts of stock
Electronic transfer of stock shares is the most secure and efficient delivery process and provides internal control as well as cost savings. You may also transfer certificates directly. To help you facilitate a gift of stock, please follow these instructions:
Securities Delivered Electronically
The following information will allow your broker to execute an electronic transfer of stock:
Brokerage: Fidelity Investments
DTC Number: 0226
Account Name: Woodard & Curran Foundation
Account Number: 676-041958
Securities Delivered By Mail
Mail your unendorsed certificate(s) and stock power in separate envelopes, or send endorsed certificate(s) by registered mail to:
Woodard & Curran Foundation
c/o Bart Weisenfluh
Starboard Advisors
2 Union Street
Portland, ME 04101
Please include a Notification of Donor Intent (for audit and acknowledgement purposes)
- Donor's name and complete address
- Name and number of securities transferred
- Date of transfer
You may provide a letter or email to communicate this information at the time of transfer to:
Woodard & Curran Foundation
attn: Barry Sheff
12 Mountfort Street
Portland, ME 04101
Woodard & Curran Foundation’s Tax ID Number is: 27-2130228
Charitable ira rollover
Congress has passed a tax extenders package making the Charitable IRA Rollover provision permanent. The tax extenders package, known as the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015, makes permanent a number of provisions that allows taxpayers over 70 1/2 to make donations up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA), without treating the distribution as taxable income.
For more information, please contact:
Barry Sheff
President, Board of Directors
deferred gifts
Woodard & Curran Foundation is honored to recognize the growing number of friends who support us well into the future, ensuring their tradition of giving, by providing for the Foundation through their estate plans. Please let us know if you have or plan to remember the Foundation. We would be honored to welcome you as a member of the Foundation’s Silver Society.
The Silver Society was established to honor and recognize those generous individuals who have remembered Woodard & Curran Foundation in their estate plans through their wills or other planned gifts. Ensuring your tradition of giving by providing for the Foundation through a bequest, a charitable annuity, or a gift of life insurance sets an important example for others and communicating your intentions will help us in our long range planning.
tribute and memory GIFTS
You can make your gift in honor or in memory of a specific person and your designation may be indicated on the online giving form, via email, or mail. Please provide the name and the address of the tribute recipient you wish notified.