Annual Report - 2023

Woodard & Curran Foundation Financial Information

Woodard & Curran Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (EIN 27-2130228). Established in 2010, we have from the beginning relied upon the generosity of donors, volunteers and friends to support our mission. Please direct all questions to

Woodard & Curran Foundation Mission

Engage the passion of the Woodard & Curran community to support nonprofit organizations that protect our water and environment.

2023 Annual Report

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From Board President Barry Sheff

As I look back at 2023, I am proud that our organization started the year on solid footing and steady growth made it possible to survive and thrive through market fluctuation. Our financial capacity to do our work grew through consistent donor support and a sound investment strategy, and we issued grants totaling $200,000. Since our founding we have committed over $1.5M in grant money.

The range of projects, big and small, that the Foundation supports responds to the critical need for funding environmental nonprofits. Our relationship with the employee-donors of Woodard & Curran, Inc. is strong and we are particularly grateful that the firm affirmed its commitment to the Foundation by increasing its generous financial support to match Inc. employee contributions dollar-for-dollar, and double that match for first-time donors. We remain thankful for all who generously offer their wealth, wisdom, and work.

On behalf of our Board, I offer my gratitude for the support the Foundation has received and the best to our grant recipients as they pursue their work. I’m excited about the momentum the Foundation carries and the impact we will have protecting our water and environment!

Barry Sheff.jpg

Board of directors

Barry Sheff, President

Sam Olney, Vice President

Christine Kohne, Treasurer

Laura Tessier, Secretary

Jedd Steinglass, Advancement Committee Chair

Laura Tessier, Giving Committee Chair

Jen Andrews, Duff Collins, Kelly Cowan, Craig Deeney, Rachael Dorais, Laura Epstein, Vinny Martino, Bruce Nicholson, Paddy Stoy, Marc Thomas, Gillian Wood, Jenn Ziv,

Foundation administrator

Liz Leuthner

Dedicated Donor-Volunteers

Woodard & Curran Foundation is a volunteer-led organization. In addition to their financial support, Woodard & Curran, Inc. employees generously donate their time and wisdom to the planning and execution of Foundation operations and events. Our volunteer ranks included 18 Board members and over 50 volunteers serving on committees and in other essential, behind-the-scenes roles. Given the success and magnitude of our work, we happily continue to rely on the services of our contract Foundation Administrator, Liz Leuthner, who handles a variety of tasks, including originating content for web and social media, managing our donor database, grant relations, internal and external communication, and providing Board support.

We are humbled by the dedication of all who support the Woodard & Curran Foundation and share our commitment to our water and environment. Thank you.

$100,000 Impact Grants - 2023 Recipients

From 2016 to 2021, we awarded one $100,000 Impact Grant with a three-year period of performance annually. In 2022, the grant shifted to a one-year period of performance. Below are the organizations we supported in 2023 with Impact Grants.


OCEAN research PROJECT (MARYLAND) - 1-year $100k grant

Ocean Research Project’s study is the first to determine particle concentration of plastic pollution across the United States’ largest estuary, the Chesapeake Bay. is working toward finding a path to assess Bay-wide plastic pollution and establish a pilot project exploring plastic particle count as a water quality indicator for monitoring future Bay health. The information from this pilot project will be used inform a dedicated multi-year sampling program by the Chesapeake Bay Program partners at the federal, state, and local levels. 

Ocean Research Project is working to change human behavior by providing information about the abundance of single-use plastics and their environmental effects. Read more…

Center for watershed research & service at St. Francis University (pennsylvania) - funding year 3 of 3

CWRS is improving water quality in the 2,240-acre Kittanning Run watershed in Blair County, PA, an area severely impacted by legacy acid mine drainage (AMD). The team will build low-cost sensors recently developed by SFU engineering students to monitor flowrates, temperature, and specific conductivity in watersheds impacted by AMD. Successful demonstrated use could advance watershed education, water monitoring by citizen scientists, and water monitoring in AMD-impacted environments.

Giving While Living: Ten $10,000 Grants / $100,000 Total


TOTAL OF $100,000 in Giving while living grants

In 2023, employee-donors of Woodard & Curran, Inc. nominated close to thirty environmental nonprofits for $10,000 grants - unbeknownst to the organizations themselves. In December 2023, the Foundation announced the winners of ten $10,000 Giving While Living Grants. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the donors who make our Giving While Living Grants Program possible.

2022 Financial Report - 2023 Figures Coming Soon

1/1/2023 TOTAL ASSETS: $771,000

12/31/2023 TOTAL ASSETS: $771,000



The balance sheet at the end of 2023 remained healthy with assets totaling $851K, including investments of $837K. The wisdom of the Foundation Board to maintain a conservative investment strategy, with guidance from Starboard Advisors of Portland, ME, allowed us to weather and absorb losses, while increasing our grant making through a transition of our Impact Grant to a 1-year period of performance.

The graphs to the right provide more detail about our 2023 financials.

The Foundation’s financial support is primarily donations from Woodard & Curran, Inc. employees. In 2023, 452 Woodard & Curran employees pledged and gave $124,882, which was generously matched by Woodard & Curran, Inc. for an additional $113K. Given a commitment by the Foundation Board, we disbursed $233,333 in grants in 2023.

2023 Individual Supporters

Zachary Aaronson

Stacy Adams

James Aiken

Laurie Johnson

Cathy Alto

Susan Ambler

Jennifer Anders

Lauren Anderson

Donna J Andrews

Jennifer M Andrews

Michael A Apfelbaum

Janna Aune

Sheri Avoux

Eric Axelrod

Joshua E Ayers

Elisha Back

Sandy Bailey

Timothy Baker

Daryl Baltazar

Tiffany Baranauskas

Joe Barbagallo

Michael Battistelli

Sergio Bazarevitsch

Jennifer A Beaulieu

Kevin Becotte

Kelley Begin

Alan A Benevides

Kevin Bethke

Greg Betsold

Chelsea Bierkan

Nicholas Bingham

Celina Bland

Jim Blanke

Janelle Bonn

Greg Booth

Dean Boudreau

Emma Bouthillette

Kelsey Bradley

Aaron Brennan

Brent Bridges

John Brockington

Ray Brodrick

Shawn Brown

Melissa Brown

Ryker Brown

Dan Bryant

John Bull

Glenn Burden

Amy Burke

Robert Burkhart

Derek Burton

Beth Buzzell

Margaret Byrne

Brian Bzdawka

Tom Callaway

Denise Cameron

Kelly Camp

Lisa Campe

Eric Carlson

Ken Carlson

Anthony Catalano

Mesut Cayar

Molly Cepko

Sercan Ceyhan

Cheryl Choquette

Nicole Cissel

Greg Clark

Natalie Cochran

Sarah Coen

Cynthia A Cole

Katie Cole

Demos Collins

R. Duff Collins

Thomas Connelly

Todd Cooper

Erin Cope

Kyle Corbeil

Rebecca A Corbin

Robin Cort

Kelly Cowan

Garrett Craig

Wayne Cummings

Liz DaBramo

Wendy Dalton

Kenneth Danila

Monica Dannemann

Ally Davis

Ken Davis

Martha de Maria y Campos

Dave Dedian

Craig Deeney

Adam DeFranco

Carrie Del Boccio

Suzanne DelBene

Justin deMello

Teri Demers

Andres Diaz

Bill Dickson

Brian Dietrick

Dan DiNicola

Roger D Dinsmore

David Dobrinen

Tina Donovan

Rachael Dorais

Chris Dorn

Christin Dowling

RJ Dowling

Laurie Drabble

Jeanee Dudley

Andrea Eagan

Micah Eggleton

Katherine Elich

Matt Elsner

Laura Epstein

James Erich

Lynn Etchingham

Emily Stoick

James Everett

Joseph Ewell

Shannon Eyler

Alan Fabiano

Tyler Feeney

Carlos Felix

Kayla Miller

Michael Fiedler

Vy Fields

Judith Fitzgerald

Andrew Fitzpatrick

Courtney Flores

Dawn Flores

Janet Fordunski

Wendy Foreman

Debbie Foshay

Adam Fox

Denise Fremeau

Gregory Frieden

Joyce Garnett

Craig Gaudet

James Gaudio

Joe Geary

Bruce Geno

Robb George

Rachel Gilbert

Jameson Glass

Tatiana Glebkivska

Scott Goldman

Melanie Gonthier

Dick Gould

Shasta Gravel

Jim Graydon

Chloe Greenberg


Cathy Greenman

Janice M Greenwood

Christian Griffith

Matthew Grostick

Susan Guswa

Patrick Halpin

Jeff Hamel

Nathan Hanson

Keith Hardy

Neal Harrison-Billiat

Bill Hart

Nick Hastings

Donna Hawley

Bradley Hayes

Tom Hazlett

Michael Headd

Lucas Hellerich

Zach Henderson

Glenn Hermanson

Chris Hewes

Reilley Hicks

Alexandrea Hill

Susan Clancy

Ryan Hirano

Jennifer Hodgens

Elizabeth Hoffman

Paul Hogan

Russell Hogdahl

Rowena Holden

Stephen B Holtman

Emily Honn

Jason House

Mary House

Shawn Huber

Stephanie Hubli

Desiree Hughart

Eric Hultstrom

Joseph Hurley

Dawn Imershein

Audrey Iodice

Xavier Irias

Jason Jancaitis

Michael Jannitto

Haley Johnson

Sally Johnson

Tara Johnson

Gisa Ju

Richard Juricich

Nathan Katsiaficas

Leroy E Kendricks

Christy Kennedy

Laura Gutierrez

Troy Kepley

Richard Kifer

Aquilah King

Joe King

Joseph Kirby

Richard Kirkland

Ken Kohlbrenner

Christine Kohne

James Kohne

Jennifer Kopp

Justin Kraetsch

Jennifer Kramer

Jason Kreil

David Kurtz

Celeste Labadie

Brian LaMalfa

Karen Lambek

Renee Lanza

Keri Lauer

Steven Lauria

Steve Lawrence

Amy LeBel

Elisa Lee

Michael Lemont

Elizabeth Leuthner

Art Leventis

Linda Libby

Steve Lindemann

Rob Little

Erika Lloyd

Jeanna Long

Kathryne Lovell

Mike Low

Scott Luczko

Dave MacDonald

Chris MacKay

Catherine Macklin

Ryan Maguire

Steve Mancini

Maria Marcella Ziots

Clayton Marcotte

Julian Marks

Tanis Marquette

Kayla Marquis

Krista Marston

Lindsay Martien

Brian Martin

Jim Martin

Peter Martin

Jennifer Martinez Torres

Vinny Martino

Victor Martins

Zareh Maserejian

Althea F Masterson

Mike Matson

Theresa Mattor

Kyle Matyac

Bryan Maurer

Kris McAlpine

Sean McCormick

Steven McCurdy

Brendhan McDevitt

Megan McDevitt

Katelyn McDonald

Eric McGill

Brian McGrath

Katie Mockler

Maria McInnis

Lisa McIntosh

Douglas J McKeown

Brendan McLaughlin

Nate McLaughlin

Gregory McNeal

Scott Medeiros

William Medlin

Kevin Mesick

Mary Michaud

Annette Miller

Mary Beth Miller

Sara Miller

Boris Minot

David Moering

Daniel Montiel

Debbie Moriarty

Jesse Murphy

Saquib Najmus

Peter Nangeroni

Mario Navejar

Andy Neal

Tom Newdick

Bobby Nichols

Bruce S Nicholson

Sarah Nicholson

Rich Niles

Steven F Niro

Paul Norian

Corey Nugent

Conner O'Brion

Debbie O'Dell


Patricia O'Shea

Sam Olney

Michael Orefice

Erik Osborn

Rachel Osborn

Mark Osborne

Jacqueline Ouellette-Keene

Julianne Page

Benjamin Patten

Kimberly Payne

Sherri Peak

Evan Pereira

Cristina Perez

Athena Pervissian

Eric Petersson

Mark Pietrucha

Brad Pigg

Shelly Plante

Brenda Ponton

Paul Porada

Benjamin Porcher

Jared Port

Steven Porter

Karen Prieto

Todd Prokop

Carly Quinn

Donna Rammell

Brian Ravens

Celia Raymond

Alan Reed

Laurie Regemann

Kim Reinauer

David Remick

Sarah Rhodes

Zachary Rich

Kristina Richards

Dave Richardson

Tom Richardson

Chip Ridlon

Jim Rivard

Junior Rivers

Steve Robbins

Michelle Roberts

Liz Robinson

Janet Robinson

Kendra Dow

Allison Roche

Cathy Rockwell

Morgan Stuart

Steve Rose

Kris Rosner

Paul Roux

Gregory Roy

Taylor Roy

Zachary Roy

Scott Ruland

Anne Colpitts

Scott Salvucci

John Sammon

Greg Sands

Annette Savastano

Sarah Scagliarini

Renae Schield

Hannah Schulz

Steve Schwab

Robert Scott

Manthan Shah

Scott Shannon

Thomas Shay

Jay Sheehan

Barry Sheff

Peter Simmons

Raina Singleton

Matthew Smith

Lloyd Snyder

Scott Soricelli

John Sowka

Amanda Sparks

Robert Speyrer

Doug Spicuzza

Persephene St. Charles

Darrin Stairs

Andy Stanhope

Demitri Stanley

Jeff Stearns

Jedd Steinglass

Adam Steinman

Paddy Stoy

Pam Struck

Jim Sturgis

Alexander Sturtevant

Caitlin Glass

Ryan Sullivan

Glenn Sutson

Lauren Swett

Ali Taghavi

Sean Tarbox

Reesa Tate

Eric Teittinen

Laura Tessier

Stefan Thoenes

Marc Thomas

Patti Thomes

Mike Thompson

Hugh Tozer

Kyle Tracy

Kevin Trainor

Jill Tribley

JT Trinward

Evan Trumpatori

Robert Tyler

Josh Uecker

Tony Valdivia

Matt Valentine

Van Der Heijden

Chris van Lienden

Abigail Varga

Aram & Corinne Varjabedian

Sarah Waddle

Christine Bugli

Joanna Wallace

Tori Ward

Linda Warner

Alyson Watson

Wesley N Webber

Don Weeks

Samantha Weidenbenner

Jodadiah Weiner

Timothy Wells

Kathleen Welter

Logan Werner

Bert Wesley

Jeremy Wherren

Helen Whitcomb

Dave White

Brian Wickes

Dee Wiederstein

Lindsey Wilcox

Isaiah Williams

Jim Wilson

Daniel Windsor

Michael Winter

Dee Winterburn

Craig Wojcik

Dan Wolfram

Gillian Wood

Edward Younglove

Adrian Zelazny

Jeffery Zimmermann

Jennifer Ziv


annual report archive

2023 - 2022 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011

Every effort has been made to provide a complete and accurate listing of all supporters in this annual report. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and let us know by emailing Foundation Administrator Liz Leuthner.