Impact Grant Info + FAQs
2025 Impact Grant
In 2025 Woodard & Curran Foundation will award one 1-year $100,000 Impact Grant for a project that focuses on the protection and/or management of our watersheds and groundwater supplies in the face of climate change.
Projects may focus on the protection, restoration, and/or management of our watersheds and/or groundwater basins in the face of climate change/natural disasters. Such projects could, for example, include management through reducing the impact of extreme weather events; innovative approaches to responsible land and water management; or remediation of impacted watersheds.
Our chief interest is in receiving strong applications for innovative projects that protect our water and environment and for which our grant funds will have the most impact.
Grant-related questions: grants@woodardcurranfoundation.org
All applicants must:
Be US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
Have received 501(c)(3) non-profit designation as of the date of the application and retain that status throughout the grant term.
Not discriminate on the basis of race, age, ancestry or national origin, sexual orientation, gender, physical or mental disability, or religion.
Not be a political organization, a political action committee, or a house of worship. (We accept applications from organizations with religious affiliations if the project is not specific to or primarily to benefit a religious group).
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Woodard & Curran Foundation Impact Grant fund the same types of projects each year?
The Impact Grant themes are selected annually by the Foundation. In some cases, a theme may carry forward to the next year grant cycle.
Does Woodard & Curran Foundation have any restrictions or policies related to including indirect costs in project budgets?
Woodard & Curran Foundation does not set any restrictions regarding indirect costs; however, as the purpose of the grant is to have a significant community impact, we encourage applicants to minimize such costs to those essential to the project.
The sample budget on the application page indicates salaries as an ineligible expense. Does that include salaries that are directly related to staff time needed at the grantee institution to execute the project?
Salaries directly related to the execution of the project are allowable but should only be those required to execute the project. The Impact Grant is not intended to primarily fund graduate student research.
Our organization is building out a project that may include several non-profit and for-profit partners. Are sub-awards and sub-contracts eligible expenses within the project budget, and are sub-contracts to for-profit institutions eligible?
We discourage applications that include sub-awards and sub-contracts.
Our project is expected to begin in the summer. Will the award decision be announced by that time?
The Impact Grant awardee will be notified in May of the award year.
Are local governments (municipalities) eligible applicants?
Organizations applying for an Impact Grant must be designated 501(c)(3) nonprofits and cannot, therefore, be municipal entities.