Woodard & Curran Foundation Annual Golf Outing


Thank you to our generous event sponsors!


Golf Carts - $1500

Signage on golf carts
Company logo on website
Welcome bags to include corporate swag

lunch & registration - $750

Signage at registration and buffet
Company logo on website
Welcome bags to include corporate swag

cocktail reception - $500

Company logo on website
Welcome bags to include corporate swag

cigar station - $450

Signage at cigar station
Company logo on website
Welcome bags to include corporate swag

beverages - $350

Signage at beverage station

Tee or hole - $200

Signage at the tee box or green (limit 36)

raffle prize donations

All are greatly appreciated!

Email: mbattistelli@woodardcurran.com

If you would like to include an item for the raffle, please send it to:

Woodard & Curran Foundation
c/o Michael Battistelli
50 Millstone Rd | Building 300, Suite 100
East Windsor, NJ 08520