congratulations to our two $5,000 1-year grant recipients!


Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI), Los Angeles County, CA - $5,000
Cleantech and Water Innovation Youth Program
The goal of this project is to empower students with practical solutions for leading a water-efficient lifestyle, creating leadership to educate their community and an understanding of the on-going water issues in Southern California. LACI will host three student group visits (120 students from underrepresented communities) to the La Kretz Innovation Campus and a two-part water conservation workshop. Part one of the workshop will include presentations by the Los Angeles Department of Water (LADWP) and an in-house water entrepreneur. Part two will be a competition, where student groups propose a business plan to educate their community about ways to conserve water.

Change is Simple (CiS), Woburn, MA Public Schools - $5,000 
Science of Sustainability (SoS) Water Challenge
CiS will “supercharge” 5th grade classrooms (450 students, 40 teachers) with a hands-on education program that inspires students to become advocates for water conservation. The program educates students about the source, importance, and scarcity of water; design and build filtration systems; use green chemistry to create natural cleaners; start a community water conservation challenge; and create a plan to save 5 gallons per day for every person in their home.

Stay tuned to learn more about these projects as they get underway!